The Weekend Sexperiment: Your Ideal Sexual Encounter

September 20, 2013

Welcome to The Weekend Sexperiment! Each Friday, I alternate between The Weekend Sexperiment and Reader’s Request Fridays. In TWS posts, I offer a simple sex therapy homework assignment to try out over the weekend. Some experiments are geared towards couples, but others are suitable for single folks. As always, please feel free to contact me if you have a certain topic you’d like to see covered. If you’re interested in counseling, call (415) 658-5738 or visit my Appointments page to schedule a consultation.

This weekend, your assignment is to write the story of your absolutely perfect sexual encounter.

Give yourself about half an hour for this exercise, and try to alter your surroundings to help get you in the mood. Let your imagination run wild, and forget about any sorts of rules, constraints, or limits.

You may want to consider some of the following questions:

Your Ideal Sexual Encounter | Vanessa Marin Sex Therapy

Who is your encounter with?


How did this interaction come to be?


Where does it take place?


When does it take place?


How long does it last?


Who are you in this story?


What are you wearing?


What is your history?


What kind of dialogue – if any – occurs?


What are the power dynamics between the characters?


What emotions are you experiencing?


What are the exact behaviors you are engaging in?


What is the mood or tone of the experience?


What is not present in the encounter?


What is the theme of the story?


What is the most exciting part of the whole thing?


I’ll be back early next week with a follow-up, but for now, I just want you to focus on writing the story. Have fun!

hey there!