If you’ve been reading my blog, you know that input from readers like you is extremely important to me. I’m always on the lookout for the topics you guys are most interested in. Give me any sex-related topic, and I could prattle on for hours. But I want to know the questions that you guys are dying to ask. What’s your biggest frustration? What are you most curious about? What’s keeping you up at night?
When it came to picking the topic for my next workshop, I decided to turn directly to my readers. I asked the members of my email list to vote on the topic they were most interested in seeing me cover.
After a few weeks of intense voting, I tallied up the votes and found a clear winner.
I spent the last few months putting together the content, and now it’s almost ready for release!
I’m sending out a top-secret announcement to the members of my list on Thursday, revealing the winning topic, and giving them a limited-time-only special discount.
Curious to know what topic they picked? (And want your chance to vote the next time around?) Want in on the exclusive list-only discount? Click here to sign up for my list!