How To Let Your Partner Love Your Body – Even If You Don’t

August 12, 2021


Body confidence is something that affects everyone, whether it’s an occasional thing or a daily struggle. Usually we think of it as a personal issue – feeling self conscious, or having critical and judgmental thoughts towards ourselves.

But there’s another aspect to body confidence that actually has a huge impact on how we show up in our sex lives and relationships: our ability to let our partner love our body.

In today’s episode, Vanessa and Xander discuss how to let your partner love your body and share their best tips for receiving and accepting compliments from your partner.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • The impact poor body image can have on your sex life
  • Why it can be such a challenge to let your partner love your body
  • How to let your partner love your body
  • Tips for receiving and accepting compliments from your partner

Here’s a glance at this episode:

[4:37] The impact critical body image can have on your sex life

[9:03] Why it can be such a challenge to let your partner love your body

[10:03] What people say about letting their partner love their body

[10:43] How to let your partner love your body

[16:02] Vanessa shares her vulnerable moment in the bedroom

[17:58] The swap you need to make to help improve your mindset

[23:41] Allowing yourself to believe your partner’s compliments

[27:40] Our favorite metaphor on receiving a compliment from your partner

[31:52] Another way to reframe receiving compliments

[34:35] Real messages from our Instagram audience to their partners

[37:48] Listener question: “I just can’t wrap my head around how someone could actually be attracted to saggy breasts and a belly pooch.”

[40:11] Listener question: “How do I get better at accepting compliments with grace as opposed to just negating or shutting them down?”

[42:25] Listener question: “How do I get my partner to show more love to my body?”

Links & resources

Video: How To IMPROVE Body Confidence – The Ultimate Guide

Guide: 3 Simple Daily Habits To Keep The Spark Alive In Your Relationship!

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