It’s a brand new month, which means a brand new topic. This month’s is one of my all-time favorites… female orgasm!
We have some truly INCREDIBLE surprises in store for you this month!
We dug really deep and did some soul searching over the last few months about the best ways for us to serve our community.
I don’t think I’ve ever been more proud of our team, or more excited to share with you. Seriously. I’ve been waking up early every morning, itching to get right to work!
Let me back up a bit and share some of the backstory with you…
At the beginning of this year, we did something that we’ve never done before, and released a free (but limited time only) four-part video series for women who can orgasm on their own, and want to get there with a partner.
For the first time ever, I publicly talked about my personal challenges with orgasm. I spent 10 years struggling to learn how to orgasm, feeling broken, anxious, and hopeless.
I poured myself into that series. I was proud of myself for being so vulnerable, but also really nervous to see what kind of response it was going to get.
Well, my heart got blasted open seeing your responses!
I got emails from women telling me that the videos inspired them to have honest conversations with their partners, rethink their relationship with their bodies, and let go of the shame they had been carrying around for so long.
I even heard from multiple women who had their first orgasms with a partner simply from watching the video series!
I got so fired up about your responses to that free video series, and it made me realize that I wanted to do even more.
As the months have passed, I’ve been thinking about what I can do to be even more generous with you, my community, especially if you’re a woman struggling to orgasm.
Especially since I really and truly know the pain of what it’s like to not be able to orgasm. When I was struggling with my orgasm for all of those years, I was so desperate for answers, and more importantly, for solutions.
Well, I’m proud to say that we now have a REALLY good answer.
The original idea was actually Xander’s! When he first shared the idea with me, it scared the crap out of the business-oriented side of my brain, but the conviction that he felt about it touched my heart.
And we ended up making a huge decision guided by our desire to listen to our hearts and do the right thing rather than worry about the impact it might have on our business.
There is so much more to come in the next few weeks, my friend!
If you are interested in female orgasm, I have a question for you to think about…
Why do you think so many women struggle with orgasm?
Your answer can be more broad, or you can get specific about your own challenges. If you feel inclined, you’re welcome to shoot me an email with your response!