Improve Your Day, Right Now

October 29, 2013

Sometimes we all need a little pick-me-up. It can be easy to forget that some of the most simple and straightforward things can also be the most powerful. Here are my top tips for things you can do right now to improve your day:

Improve Your Day Right Now | Vanessa Marin Sex Therapy


A quick session will boost your endorphins, help you relax, and remind you to focus on pleasure throughout the day.


Work out

You know it’s good for you, and the development of the seven minute workout means you have no more excuses. Researchers earlier this year created a comprehensive, full-body workout that can be completed in seven minutes flat.


Go outside

Better yet, do your workout outside. Getting fresh air and sunlight has been shown to improve your happiness in as little as 20 minutes.


Do something kind for another person

It can be something as small as smiling or saying hello to a stranger on the street. Or you can buy a cup of coffee for the person behind you at the coffee shop, send flowers to a loved one, or donate to a charity.


Do something kind for yourself

We can all get so wrapped up in our days that we forget to take the time to take care of ourselves.

Even if your day is jam-packed, try buying yourself a nice lunch, sitting quietly for 10 minutes, giving yourself a compliment, making a list of things you’re grateful for, or heading home from work a little early.


Spend time with a friend or family member

Humans are social creatures, and we need contact. Studies have repeatedly shown that people who consistently spend time with their loved ones report higher levels of overall happiness.


Try to feel your body

So many of us have the tendency to get stuck up in our heads. Try to direct your attention below your neck, and notice what is going on in your body. Are you tired or tense anywhere? Do you feel light and buoyant? Does it feel like energy is stuck anywhere? Even checking in with your body for two minutes can help you feel more relaxed, connected, and grounded.


Looking for more tips? Call (415) 658-5738 or visit my Appointments page to schedule a consultation.

hey there!