I’ve been receiving quite a few questions about The Pleasure Principles: The Modern Woman’s Guide to Greater Fulfillment, Stronger Relationships, and Sizzling Sex, so I wanted to take the time to address the most common ones.
“When do I need to sign up?”
You can join at any time! I strongly suggest signing up now. This is a powerful commitment to make to yourself, and you may find yourself feeling scared or hesitant. Resistance is a normal part of personal growth, but you don’t want to let it completely derail your opportunity to bring more pleasure into your life.
“Will I have to share my name or personal information?”
Nope! Your information will be kept completely confidential.
“How much of a time commitment do I have to make?”
The audio workshops last for an hour, and take place once a week for eight weeks. I’ll also be giving you homework assignments and exercises to try out on your own. Some of the exercises will take as little as 10 minutes, while others can be experimented with throughout the week.
I recognize that we’re all very busy, so I’m trying to cram a lot of great material into a small amount of time.
However, part of the program is learning to get more comfortable slowing down and spending time on yourself (without feeling guilty!).
“Is this program for women in relationships only?” “What age range is this program geared towards?”
The Pleasure Principles is appropriate for women of all ages and relationship statuses. We will be covering romantic relationships, but you can apply the exercises and lessons to current or future relationships.
“I’m still not sure. How do I know if this is right for me?”
I strongly believe that every woman has something to learn from this material. That being said, if you’re still feeling torn, call me! (415) 658-5738. I am happy to have a free 15-minute consultation to discuss your questions and your situation. I’m super easy to talk to, and I promise that I’m not going to try to “sell” you this program. I only want you to sign up if it feels right for you.
This is powerful material. It might bring up fear, nervousness, hesitance, or anxiety. You may so badly want to change your relationships with your body, your sexuality, and your pleasure, and also be terrified to do so! So let’s chat about what’s getting stirred up for you. If this program doesn’t seem right for you at this moment, I’ll do my best to point you in the direction of other resources that might be helpful. I only want the best for you.
Ready to feel empowered, exhilarated, and enlivened? Let’s do this!