The Weekend Sexperiment: Have Morning Sex

June 27, 2014

Welcome to The Weekend Experiment! This week I’m sharing an easy way to bring some spark back into your sex life: have sex in the morning.

I had a lot of interest in my article – Am I Boring My Partner In The Bedroom? I think the topic strikes a chord for many people because all of us have had the experience of lack-luster sex. It’s particularly common in long-term relationships. You can only have sex with the same person a certain number of times before things start to get a little predictable.

In order to combat bedroom boredom, you have to add elements of novelty to your sex life. We’ve all heard this advice before, right?

I’ve been told that the old “keep it interesting” adage is intimidating. Some people don’t know where to start, or feel foolish trying to suggest something new to their partner. Others feel like it’s too much work constantly brainstorming different acts to try.

One really easy, unintimidating way to shake things up is to try having morning sex. The vast majority of people only have sex at night, so doing the deed first thing in the morning can be quite a new experience.


The Benefits of Morning Sex | Vanessa Marin Sex Therapy


Morning sex is great because you’re more likely to be rested and relaxed than you are at the end of the day. Your desire levels might be different from what they usually are, and you can take advantage of morning erections. There’s more light, so you can see each other better. Time moves a little slower.

So this weekend, give morning sex a try. Don’t set an alarm. Sleep in a little if you can. Don’t make any plans until later in the afternoon. Keep a glass of water and a package of breath strips on your nightstand so you don’t even have to get up to brush your teeth.


Morning Sex | Vanessa Marin Sex Therapy


After you’re done, laze around together in bed for a while before getting up. Hold each other, make some eye contact, and talk to each other. See how the tone of the rest of your day is different now that you’ve made the effort to connect with each other and do something pleasurable first thing upon waking. Enjoy!


hey there!