The Weekend Sexperiment: Play With Your Senses

October 10, 2014

One of my favorite parts of my job is helping my clients discover how to tune into their sensuality.

Most of us spend our days so disconnected from our bodies that learning how to start paying attention to what’s going on below your neck can be a revelation!

Play With Your Senses | Vanessa Marin Sex Therapy

One of my favorite parts of my job is helping my clients discover how to tune into their sensuality.

Most of us spend our days so disconnected from our bodies that learning how to start paying attention to what’s going on below your neck can be a revelation!

This weekend, your Sexperiment is to practice connecting to your body by picking one of your senses to pay extra close attention to. All weekend, I want you to remind yourself to focus on that one particular sense.

Try to find ways to use that sense to slow yourself down and pay more attention to what’s going on around you and inside your own skin.

You can also see if you can tap into desire through this sense. See if you can use the stimulation of your sense to increase your arousal, even if it’s just the tiniest bit.

I use a variation of this exercise very frequently with female clients who complain of low sex drive. So many of these clients come back and tell me that this very simple exercise helped them feel more connected to their sense of desire, and actually made them feel more desire than they would have expected.

Here are some ideas for each of your senses:



Try to find the things that are the most visually appealing to you. You might appreciate the shapes of other people’s faces, the sleekness of silky fabrics, or the intensity of colors. Take a look at your own body, and notice which parts you appreciate.



Notice the lilt of people’s voices, the sounds of kissing your partner, or the melodies of your favorite slow songs. Try singing or humming to yourself, and noticing the vibrations in your throat.



Try slowing down and taking the time to sniff bath products, flowers, or the unique aromas of the people around you. Notice what it feels like to take slow, deep breaths in and out of your nose.



This sense can be a little tricky, but food is good avenue to explore! Chew your meals slowly and thoughtfully. Swirl drinks around in your mouth and try to actually notice the nuances of flavor. You can even just play with your tongue in your mouth.



This is arguably the most fun sense to pay attention to! Try touching different textures throughout the day, like your clothes, blankets, towels, or furniture. Caress your partner’s skin, or your own.


Take some notes on what this experience is like for you, and try playing around with other senses on different weekends.

If you have a partner, see what it’s like when you both pay attention to the same sense!


hey there!