Check Out My New Column For Psychology Today!

August 5, 2014

I was recently contact by Psychology Today to write a regular sex therapy column for their website. I’ve chosen to focus on sex in the early years of a marriage, so my column is called Wedded and Bedded. As a somewhat recent newlywed myself (just about three years with my husband!), I can relate to this time in a relationship both personally and professionally. My column will provide advice for establishing a solid sexual connection in the foundational stages of a marriage, but the tips and techniques I’ll share should be valuable even if you’re not currently married.

For my first article, I shared seven tips for having amazing sex on your honeymoon. One quick tip? Let go of the pressure to have a “perfect” honeymoon, especially when it comes to sex. Check out all of the tips here!

Tips for great sex during your honeymoon

hey there!