Confession time… I used to HATE having sex with the lights on.
I used to feel so self-conscious of my body, and I could only get comfortable during sex if I knew for certain that my partner couldn’t see my body.
I know I’m not the only one.
The sad reality is that most people don’t have great body confidence.
But it’s really hard to feel pleasure in your body if you’re constantly worried about how your body looks.
I know all about this first-hand, which is why I’m so excited to bring you…
How To IMPROVE Body Confidence – The Ultimate Guide
In this video, Xander and I share some of our very own body confidence struggles, because we think it’s really important to have these kinds of open, honest, and vulnerable conversations. We all struggle with body confidence in one way or another.
After watching, you’ll have a deeper understanding of what body confidence truly is, and you’ll know how you can take active steps towards improving your relationship with your body.