Do you feel like you and your partner aren’t on the same page about your sex life anymore?
Does it feel like you have very different sexual appetites?
Are you longing for the days when sex felt simple and easy? When you could just look at each other in the right way and it would be on?
This month, I’m helping couples with mismatched sex drives!
If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I’ve started getting more and more vulnerable about my own challenges in my sex life. (My psychotherapy training taught me not to share anything about myself with my clients, but I’ve decided it’s time to break all of those rules!)
So here’s something you may not know about me:
Xander and I have mismatched sex drives.
And it caused a lot of heartache in our relationship.
Because I know just how challenging mismatched sex drives can be, I’m really going all out with this month’s resources.
I love surprises, so I’m going to keep my lips zipped for now. I’ll just say I have some amaaaaazing things in store for you over the course of the entire month.
We’re going to be talking about the major mistakes that Xander and I made in our sex life, and how you can avoid or repair those mistakes.
We’re going to be talking about low – or no – libido, including what causes it and how to get it back.
We’re going to talk about the common dynamics that sabotage your sex life, like being too busy and too tired.
We’re going to talk about understanding your needs and your partner’s needs, so you can work together to create a truly exceptional sex life.