Finishing School just got two major upgrades!
I’m dedicated to making Finishing School the best program it can be, so I’m continually working on updates and upgrades. I usually only share these updates with the ladies in Finishing School, but this one is just too exciting to keep within the Finishing School family.
The first upgrade is a brand new design.
The content is obviously the most important part of Finishing School, but hey, I want it to look pretty too! I was able to work with a super talented designer to give Finishing School a beautiful new makeover.
The new design works great across all of your devices, and looks especially cute on mobile!
The second update is a complete workbook overhaul. Now, each module is accompanied by its own mega-workbook.
I’ve added a ton of new information, and restructured them so you can follow as you listen to the Finishing School workshops. I may have gone a little overboard; the workbooks clock in at 110, 76, and 102 pages! I like to think that now they serve as your private Finishing School journal, collecting your thoughts, helping you stay engaged, and guiding you through the program!
The workbooks have also been updated to match the new design of Finishing School.
If you’ve been thinking about joining Finishing School, there’s no better time than right now!