Your Orgasm Should Be For You

September 30, 2018

All month, I’ve been sharing four surprising lessons I’ve learned about female orgasm from running my online courses Finishing School: Learn How To Orgasmand Finishing School: Orgasm With A Partner.

Here’s my fourth and final lesson:

Learn how to orgasm for yourself. Because you deserve it.

I’ve been surprised to learn that the vast majority of women in Finishing School have been more concerned with learning how to orgasm with a partner than they are learning how to orgasm on their own. Here are some of the things that I’ve heard:

“I want nothing more than to be able to orgasm for my boyfriend’s sake. He gets so angry and annoyed that he ‘can’t make me feel good.’ I really want him to be able to feel like he’s doing a good job.”

“Can I skip ahead to the Orgasm With A Partner section? My boyfriend says he’s so frustrated he’s not sure if he can stay in this relationship much longer.”

I understand wanting to orgasm with a partner. I spent years and years able to orgasm on my own, but unable to get there with a partner. Believe me, I get it! And now that I’m able to, I know that orgasming with a partner can be a very bonding and intimate experience.

But for so many women, lurking beneath the desire to orgasm with a partner is a belief that they don’t deserve orgasms on their own.

That your orgasm is something you give to your partner, to boost their confidence, prove that you like them, or show that you have good chemistry together. But not something that you get to do for yourself.

So I’ll repeat myself…

Learn how to orgasm for yourself. Because you deserve it.

You deserve to spend time learning more about your body.
You deserve to understand dismantle your blockages to pleasure.
You deserve to have more self-confidence.
You deserve to feel more in tune with and connected to yourself than you ever have before.
You deserve to feel empowered and enlivened.
You deserve pleasure and orgasms!

If you’re ready to get started, head on over here!

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